Which ad is better in adsense, text or image?

I think it's not which one performs better. But it's the matter of whether people click or not on the link. But if you compare text ads to image ads, you'll find that there's something which text ads usually don't have compared to text ads. What is that thing?

Well, pay careful attention to the image ads and text ads. You'll find that most text ads contain links to the sponsors of the ads. But some of image ads don't have the link. In this situation, if your visitor is reluctant to click the ads he/she wants, you'll earn no money cause he/she can visit the site of the ads by typing the link in a new tab or window of a browser.

It's different when using image ads. People will have to click when they want to know what's exactly inside the ads when the image ads show only a slogan like "Never Pay For Electricity Again", unless they go searching with the keyword appeared on the image ads.

Although text ads links seem to be more obvious and links are more often seen compared to image ads, but whether ads appeared with or without links, it's still the advertisers' matter, whether they put the links or not. And not adsensers' ad setup matter. Moreover, it's one image against more than one link. I mean an image ad has only one link, but text ads have more links (unless you choose the button, half image or small rectangle ad formats).

Apart from those reasons mentioned above, some people would consider using "image ads" when they think "an image worth a thousand words". Feeling confused? Forget about it, and use text and image ad format. Let Google decides which to appear. So, which adsense ad format would you use?


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