Blogger promotes BlogWorld Expo 2011

Recently, when I have finished posting an article at Blogger, I will always see "BlogWorld Expo 2011' advertisement appeared next to the text "Your blog post published successfully". Now, advertisement can also appear inside Blogger on blog post publishing time.

Perhaps it's a good chance for those webmaster who wants to promote their site or blog through this kind of blogging conference. The condition is to create your own killer content. Maybe at the end of the content, you can put your name and your site url. Thus, creating link to your website which is linking from a high page rank website. Of course this will also push your rank a bit and at the same time promoting yourself and your site.

From this kind of activities or conference, you'll also meet experts of blogging at BlogWorld. That's what they said. BlogWorld is also said to be the World's Largest Blogging Conference.It's held on Nov. 3–5 2011, Los Angeles CA. Are you going to join this blogging conference?


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