Online Currency Converter

E-commerce is widely done every where nowadays. It's a very common way people use to do business. The fact that unavoidable in doing online business that we are from different countries and using different currencies either. And that's why we have to go through something called currency conversion.

For this problem, some sites have provided a currency converter, so that their customers can easily convert the price of purchase into their own currency according to the current rate. For example, one of the computer stores in my country that provides this service.
It's also said to be the no. 1 computer store in Indonesia.

If the online business site doesn't provide this, you probably need to watch teletext to know the rate. But with internet, you can just visit a site that provide currency conversion. This is one of them.
This site contains conversion for 85 top countries. You can also convert for more using Full Universal Currency Converter on the site.
If you want to make another conversion by click Back button, you'll probably have to refresh the page by pressing F5 on the keyboard.

The service provided on this site is really suitable for those who want to buy products, run online business, adsense publishers, those who want to study abroad, and also those who buy foreign insurance.


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